Review: Viral Tide Wave Hair Dryer with Diffuser – The Ultimate Styling Tool!

Y’all, I finally got my hands on the Viral Tide Way below dryer. It comes with this adhesive stand and these two attachments. I bought these other things elsewhere so that I could mount them on my wall with the stand and I love it so much. The diffuser is so incredible. And clearly it is wash day and I need a shower. So I’m going to be using it later and I will give you a little preview and how amazing it is. Alright, I’m out of the shower. Have my product in, comb through with my defined brush.

Now we’ve got our tide wave and our diffuser magnet set right on. So there’s a ring here that shows you a color. And if it’s red, that’s hot, blue is cold, orange is constant temperature. And if it’s cycling through all of the colors, that’s the cycling where it’s alternating from hot to cold, which gives you more volume. And with curls, it helps to define the curls without frizz. So I’m telling you this beforehand because once it’s on, you might not be able to hear me.

But here we go. So this is the power level and then this is what changes the color. So here we go. And that is only on low. Let’s see what high sounds like. All right, so here we go. And I want a purple such recycling. Here we go. Chopping my hair.


Alright. I sped that up and I looked at the clock. When I started, it said 8:36. It now says 8:40. That took me four minutes. And now all I have to do is break the cast. Scrunchy scrunch.

Look at that. Gorgeous frizz free curls in a fraction of the time that any of my other hair dryers have ever done. I love it so very much. It’s insane. Here’s the link. You know, you wanna check it out. Okay, I’ll see you on the next one.