Top Penny Stocks Picks for May 8th, 2024: Strong Global Entertainment, NRX Pharmaceuticals, XBP Europe Holdings, iWASSET Medical, and Mollen Automotive

So what are the best penny stocks to buy on May 8th,2024? Well, number one recommendation is strong Global Entertainment, stock symbol s G E. It is up to date 140% or dollar sixty, trading at two dollars and seventy three cents a share. Since this morning it already traded 47 million shares market cap for the company is roughly $20 million. So I think that the stock has something to do maybe with video creation or I don’t know, but it’s global, strong global entertainment kind of tells you that it’s from entertainment industry. So the stock was not really trading for the last six months. It was hovering around $1, not going anywhere, and it was trading barely any shares a day. So however, today, some kind of great news arrived and the stock suddenly produced already 48 million shares in trading volume, and it went up 150%. So the news must be very powerful for that stock, and the investors are kind of swarming in and waking up to that stock and the buyers are, you know, probably pushing the price really high. So if I were you, I would check out the news and see what’s going on there and possibly inject some cash onto it.

So strong Global Entertainment, stock symbol s G E, Only 2,089 cents a share. Next one is N R X Pharmaceuticals, stock symbol N R X P. It is up to date 56% or dollar eighteen trading at three dollars and twenty eight cents. Since this morning, it already traded 6 million shares market cap for the company is roughly $40 million.

So this is a typical penny stock that is involved in making drugs for some kind of disease. As I said before, there’s around 700 bidding stocks that are in a pharmaceutical industry, and they are try to develop some new drugs for existing diseases. And obviously, it’s a pretty long, pretty complicated process and sometimes it takes months, if not years. However, once the medication is kind of ready, it goes into testing and where the real patients are actually taking this medication, like human patients, it’s no longer being tested on animals. So, and this type of testing is called clinical trials. And if the drug is showing some promising results where the disease is being controlled or may be reduced or even better eliminated, this is when the stock in the company actually becomes really interesting to investors, especially if they’re on the path of being approved by FDA, which is a food and Drug Administration, to actually start selling the drug as a, you know, approved commercial drug to regulations. So, and when this happens, suddenly the stock that was basically not going anywhere, it was barely trading, it receives a lot of attention and the buyers, you know, trying to acquire a lot of those shares. So I have a feeling that this is what’s happening with and our Rex Pharmaceuticals. So if I were you, I would definitely check out the news that are driving that stock and possibly injects and cash into it. So NRX Pharmaceuticals, nrxp, he is a stock symbol only three dollars and thirty seven cents a share. Next one is xbp Europe Holdings. So the stock is up 59% or dollar twenty six trading at three dollars and thirty eight cents a share since this morning, it already traded 48 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $200 million. So I spoke about this company about a week ago. I’m not sure if I published my video because I was really busy. But the main thing is this stock, XBP Entertainment, I mean, Europe Holding, sorry, was trading, listen to this, at $40 a share back in November of last year. Then it quickly collapsed and started trading pretty much around $1 for the last six months. And when I say trading, it was barely trading too. I mean, nobody was paying attention and kind of like got about it. However, the first push happened about a week ago when suddenly the stock produced 20 million shares in trading volume, and it went up a little bit. So then it kind of like became a quiet for a couple of days, but suddenly another major push just came in and the stock now gained 61%.

So on the volume of 48 million shares, that kind of tells you that there’s a huge interest to that stock. I’m not sure what they do, but maybe they deal with Europe since its name in the name of the company. But the main thing is that you should probably check out the news on that stock and see what’s driving the stock price and the volume and possibly put some money into it. So XBP Europe Holdings, stock symbol X B P, only three dollars and forty three cents a share. Next one is I would set medical stock symbol oh Emma. It is up to date 37% or dollar seventeen trading at four dollars and thirty ¢31. Since this morning, it already traded 11 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $200 million. So this stock has been, by the way, it’s one of those probably pharmaceutical stocks, again, just like the one I talked about out of, you know, two stocks ago.

So, but the main thing about this stock is that it started to go up and develop a pretty bullish trend back on April 16th, which was about three weeks ago. Back then, it was trading at around dollar eighty and on pretty low volume, I start to go up but quite substantially from dollar eighty to $2,83. Dollars 80. And today it’s already trading at 4,033 cents. And the main thing is that the trend just keeps going higher and higher, and the stock price is just rising. So, but today’s volume is kind of like screams for itself because so far before for the stock was going up, but on the very kind of relatively low volume. I was talking about maybe like a million shares a day, but today it’s 11 million and the jump is pretty substantial. So it sounds like the news that are driving that stock are very serious and very promising for the loan term growth of the company.

So if I were you, I would definitely check out that, the news on the stock and possibly put some money into it. So I would set a medical stock symbol of oh am four dollars and thirty nine cents a share. And the last stack would be Mollen Automotive stack symbol m U L N. It is up to date 35% or dollar fifty trading at ¢5,067. Since this morning, it already trade 11 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $50 million. So the stock used to trade around $30 a year back in November of last year, then it collapsed to pretty much like a couple of bucks. But since April 30th, it starts to go back up and establish a bullish transfer. You have a definitely check out then use the driving that stock and possibly put some money into it.

So Mollen Automotive Mul n only five dollars and sixty four cents a share. If you want to find out other great penny stocks to buy, go to this website, penny Dot app, and download my app called Penny Gems. Thank you for your time and good luck trading. Bye bye now.