Confessions of a Former Ugly Duckling: Navigating Impostor Syndrome and Self-Improvement in the Journey to Attractiveness

The weirdest part about making yourself more attractive is the imposture syndrome you get after you make yourself more attractive. Now, especially as a man, when you were unattractive, no woman were ever validating you based on your looks. No woman were ever complimenting you. It was a struggle for you to even get any sort of attention from any girl, for that matter. And for that reason, you probably lack confidence in yourself. You didn’t see yourself as a viable option, and you just knew you were always gonna get passed up on. But you start getting your fitness right, your fashion right, you start literally transforming yourself as a person to where you look unrecognizable. But somewhere deep on the inside, you still feel like that ugly kid. You still feel like that kid who doesn’t deserve the attention, who still feels unattractive on the outside.

Now, when I improved my looks, I felt the same exact way. And not gonna lie, it took, you know, at least a year or so of getting used to being validated for my looks and getting the attention before I really felt the confidence of being who I really am and showing that on the outside. But I would say the best part about people who actually grew up over time and weren’t attracted their whole lives is that they overall just to be better people. And you’ll also meet people who didn’t know you in the past and they’ll be curious as why you’re so personable or why you’re such a nice guy. And that’s because you have to learn how to be nice to people you actually had to communicate with. People weren’t always this sort of guy that they see on the surface, right? And that’s why I also prefer women who glue up over time and who weren’t on track of their whole lives either.