5 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Serotonin Levels for Mood, Happiness, and Anxiety Protection

Here are the top five ways, according to the science, that will increase your serotonin levels for your mood, for your happiness, for your mental focus to help protect against anxiety. That’s what serotonin is all about. The first one is a positive move study so that people have more of a optimistic or positive mood support and produce more production of serotonin getting out in the sun, sunlight actually drives the production of serotonin in your body. That’s why in the winter we have less of that serotonin. Therefore, we’re more Moody.

Exercise increases a amino acid called tryptophene, which conversed directly into serotonin. And so does certain foods that have a lot of triptophine in them, like Turkey, we’ve all heard of that, but also chickpeas are one of the highest sources of tryptophene that converts directly into serotonin. And there’s an ayurvedic herb called bacopa, which increases in study after study, increases your serotonin levels as well as your GABA. One of the most powerful herbs for supporting mood.