Title: Mom Push Stroller Review: Unboxing and Showcase of the Light V2 Model with Unique Features for Mommy’s Peace of Mind

Hey, boo, I just got my package. I’m so excited. This is for my mommies out there. I got a brand new stroller from mom push and I can’t wait to show you. Let’s go ahead and open this, cuz, girl. When I ordered it, I was like, this is a stroller for me. Cuz my daughter is 10 months old, so she’s true positioning. She’s like a bigger one. So this was perfect.

Okay, after struggling for a little bit, this is the stroller. So let me go ahead and take out all the wrapping, do everything out. So I really like this shuller cuz it has really cool features that other strollers don’t have. This piece, I should have had my man help me with this. So let me go ahead and remove all of these little things right here. So basically, whenever you fold it up, this is what it’s gonna look like. So let me go ahead and remove all of the classic another and I’ll be right back. So I can show you how it opens and other really cool features it comes with.

Okay, so I needed to take out the manual because I don’t know what I’m doing, but it does have a travel bag. So if you travel, it has a travel bag for you, which absolutely love because what, like most drillers don’t even have that. And then it also does have a rain cover. So let’s say you’re at the park and it’s gloomy and it starts raining. You gotta cover. Like, how awesome is that? So let me go ahead and put the wheels and all that good stuff and I’ll be right back just so I can show you, but I just need a, not how to do it first. All right.

So this is how you open this drawer. So it has this little clip that you put to the right and push this in. And I’m gonna show you how easy it is. So imagine that you have your baby, right? And you’re like, okay, this, just push it. There you go. And it’s open. And I absolutely love it cuz it’s so easy. But right here, let me bring you a little bit more down. Okay, so the seat right here is to just. Cool. So it has a little clasp right here. So if you want to make it go down, they can sit, lay flat, and then you just bring it back up like so. And then I love that it has this that extends. So it will take this and then it has the zipper right here, which makes it go more down. And then it has a little hole right here where you can see your baby like it’s mesh. And then right here, this is how it looks. So this is what your baby will be. The tray is adjustable so you can bring it down. So you have to bring it down in order to fold it back up and learn that the hard way right now. So you just go like that. The tray is detachable. So you just press this button here and then this one right here, and it’s detachable and it’s easy to put right back in. So, and then the bottom right here is also pretty cool. So it has this adjustable thing right here. So you bring it up and your kids can adjust. And then right here has a zipper that you open it from right here. It’s pretty cool. You open it. It’s called the Newborn Nest mode. So basically this little thing comes out and it has a cover and then you clip it down here. I’m not sure if you could see that’s a little metal right here. You just clip it and then dislike back and then you would lean it back, right? Like, so my baby is like protected and then can they die and all that. But if you don’t want to, you just put it back in, push this up and then just roll it back in there and just dip it up.

And then again, this is adjustable. So down like that. This comes down and then you have your little cup holder here. And I honestly love it. It’s very smooth. And then right here, let me bring this back up. This right here, it locks. Right here. So it locks, it unlocks. And then you have a big amount of storage space. This comes out magnetic. So I just hang up, pull it out and put your diaper bag in there. And then the easy part to folding it. And you’re gonna bring this down like so do the same thing with a little clip, fold and there you go. And you’re good to go.

So after showing you this stroller and all the cool features, if you’re interested in purchasing it, I’ll have the link directly in my bio so you can shop right through there and you don’t have to go and look for, it’s gonna be right there. And then I also have a coupon code right here to save you some money. But go and get your mom push stroller. This is the name is a light V2. They have plenty of ones, but this is perfect if your baby’s transitioning from the Newborn to like a tall. This is my go to. I really recommend after using it and putting in all that, it’s perfect. I love it. So again, the link is in my bio.