Potential Title: Real Estate Dealings and Financial Insights: A Conversation Between Agents and Clients

I like this house, 14 acres. Poor over theater. Second house. Which are they asking, 1.15 million, let’s say. I’ll get started on the paperwork. When do you wanna close? Time is money. So the quick can close the bed.

What name would you want on the paperwork? Shaquille or Shah? I’m not actually buying it. I thought you wanted the help. I do want the house, but I don’t actually. Her trust is okay, great. I think we can close in less than two.

Hey, check. How’s it going? Hey, do I know you? I’m your realtor. I sold your house in Atlanta. Oh, yeah, I saw your house is gonna let me know if you’re interested in selling. I’m never selling, but it’s worth like 5 million now you can cash in on 4 million of. But if I sell that 4 million is gonna get, I’ll probably pay at least 2 million in tax. Make sense? What’s your plan with it?

Remember how chexist the house and not me, my lawyer, set it up so that when I, all the gains are eliminated if I pass away today, checks. He could sell the house for fun, $10.

How do you know this stuff? I follow Nada from our. Just kidding. I’m rich. I have a bunch of CPAs on staff. But if you’re not rich, you follow her.