Breaking Free: Understanding and Untangling Soul Ties

This book, Breaking Free, 6 strategies on how to untangle Assault I is a phenomenal book. It breaks down on what is a so tie and all the different so ties that they are and how to break free from the different variations of soul types.

So let’s read what are sotis. Sotas refer to the deep spiritual, emotional, often psychological connections between individuals. These ties are believed to transcend physical proximity and can form through various means, including emotional bonding, intimacy, shared experiences and trauma. So ties can be positive or negative, healthy or unhealthy, depending on the nature of relationship and the dynamics involved. Positive soul ties can foster feelings of love, trust, and mutual support. While negative so ties may lead to cold, dependency, manipulation and emotional distress. In essence, soul ties are the invisible threads that connect us to others on a profound level, influencing our thoughts, feelings and behaviors in significant ways. This is from Breaking Free, 6 strategies on how to untangle Sotai as a personal development guy with generally affirmations and interest.