Examining Fair and Equitable Fees for Community Services

So the most recent, by law that’s been passed by council was the fees and charges for community services.

What was that? By law? About every five years, we look at our user fees in the vast amount of buildings, which does include the pool because Fortune General, though we do not own the pool, we do operate it. So every five years, we look at what is fair and equitable. We subsidize. And when I say we, I’m talking the taxpayers, not the city. We subsidize those pools a huge amount. The pools, rec centers, yeah, everything. The festival Plaza is subsidized by tax fair. So we need to, as a council, come up with fair and equitable rates that won’t turn people away, but that will help to break down that subsidy.

A month or two ago, if we had a presentation look at different options that we could go for rates, council had expressed, the consultant at that point in time that it made sense to go with that steeper climb. We heard back from the community that client was concerning, it was too high. I think if those folks that were shocked or were concerned had a look at this current increase, I feel that they would find it very fair and equitable.