Time is Running Out: Embrace His Grace and Find Life in Christ

Dude, how much more time do you think you have? How much more time do you think you have before things are taken away from you? Before, man, you don’t have a choice anymore. Before, dude, things are actually gonna come to an end because man, time does run out. It does run out. But guess what? His Grace is still available for you right this second, right now. And you’re probably thinking, man, I’ve heard it so many times before. I’ve seen it so many times before. Jesus truly died on the cross and he rose again. All these great things, man.

But here’s the thing, your soul is literally at stake. It literally is. And whether you want to believe it or not, and whether you want to trust in what crisis done for you or not, the truth is that he is still trying to seek you out and he is still trying to grab a hold of your heart right here, right now, so that you could actually find life in him. Because, man, you can search for things that will give you temporary pleasure, but it will never fill you in the end. But guess what? Christ is here and he’s deciding to come to you and tell you, I want to fill you with life that overflows life that fills you with abundant love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, all these things, bro. You’re longing for it. You’re longing for it, dude. You just gotta come home and realize it’s only found in Christ. It’s only found in him. And he desires so much to give it to you, dude. So seek him, choose him.