From 10K to 100K: Unveiling the Mindset and Practical Strategies for Profit Growth

So this is exactly how I went for making 10 k months to finally hitting my first HUNDRED k month in profit. And there’s two things I wanna touch on. No. 1 is the practical, and No. 2 is the mindset. So I actually wanna start with the mindset because I feel it like that’s more important. So as you know, if you’re making 10K months consistently right now, that is all in your mindset, right? You probably left behind, you know, the negative mindset that you have around money, you know, the negative habits that you have around, you know, working. And you come to understand that you are paid in this world for the value that you bring to the world. So instead of literally just being paid for doing nothing, doing the pair, the bare minimum and getting paid like a paycheck. Getting paid for 9,5, getting paid just like, you know, $15 an hour, you’re getting paid for getting someone a result or providing value, right? So if you’re a famous coach, you’re paying someone or someone’s paying you to get a transformation, right? Let’s say if you’re an agency, someone’s paint music, get them more clients, or maybe you own a video editing agency, someone’s paying you for the amount of videos that you give them, right? So they’re paying you for the value you given to the world. That’s the mindset that you need to go from zero to 10 k.

But now how do you go from take it 100 k? Well, first off, it’s about understanding that this is entirely possible for. And I know that’s kind of like all, especially what are you saying that just so fluffy, woo woo , but so sure you have to believe that this is genuinely possible for. So, you know, even when I was driving for Uber Eats making like a broky slave wage, I still genuinely believed in all my heart, then my head that I was gonna be driving a Lamborghini one day, right? That was gonna be making hundred k months, which I’m doing right now. I don’t have the Lambo yet, but I’m gonna get that right. I genuinely believe that I was gonna be a millionaire. I believe that I was gonna be living my dream life, being able to travel, not worrying about bills, not worrying about expenses. That’s what I believe for myself.

And every day, right now, I sit in my toy to Corola and I imagine myself driving a Lamborghini every single day. I imagine the sounds I would make. I imagine the way that the seats would feel. I imagine the way that the wheel would feel. I imagine the looks that other people you gave me. I manifest that every single day. And so that’s the first thing. The minds that you have to believe that this is possible for you. You have to understand if someone else has done it, why can’t you absolutely can’t do it. You just have to first believe, right? That’s what take you from zero to 10 k. So it’s gonna take you from 10 k to HUNDRED k. And I mean, genuinely sit with yourself and believe what your life is going to look like when you go from 10 k to HUNDRED k.

Like what is the difference for me, I know the main difference is I don’t ever have to worry about a Bill or an expense ever again, right? At 10 k month, you’re shituding pretty. But still, if like a medical Bill comes up, you get a car wreck, you’re gonna be out of pocket for a lot of money. You’re still gonna be in situation, right? But right now, if I were to get an accident, god forbid, if I’m in the hospital, like I don’t really have to worry about the bills. Hundred k is a huge difference. So it’s about not worrying about the bills, not worrying about stress. Also the the Ma, the fact that I can travel wherever I want, like at 10 k, you can travel. Sure, but you probably have to save up a couple months. You probably can’t like get the hotel at 100 k months. You can go wherever the want. If I wanted to go to at Sicily tomorrow, Italy, if I wanna go to Bali tomorrow, I could first class take my family there too if I wanted to. That’s the difference amount of freedom it gives you.

And I’m not saying that a flex, but I’m saying genuinely try to envision what your life is going to look like at these 100 k months in every single day. Believe that shift is possible.

For now, let’s get into the practical approach. What took you from 0 to 10 k? Probably posting two to three times a day, probably, you know, hiring your first employee, probably putting in more work in your business, serving more clients instead of just having one or two clients, you probably have 10,20,30 clients. So what is gonna take you from 10 k to 100 k systems and output, right? You need to understand that you need to put in more outputs every single day, every day. So if you’re posting once or two times on social media right now, you need to update to 10,15 times. If you’re, if you only have one employee, you need to have a team now. You need to have more employees. You need to have, you know, video editor, someone who does like your funnel, someone who does like whatever, like your website, right? You need to start having a team because that’s gonna take the workload out of your plate. You need to start hiring assisted coaches. You start hiring people that are gonna help you inside the business. That’s what’s gonna help you go from 10 k to 100 k. Because if you’re constant, you have to understand if you’re working in the business, you’re doing everything, you have all the heads up. So let’s say you’re doing the marketing, you’re doing the coaching, you’re doing the posting, you’re doing the emails, you’re doing the website stuff. If you’re doing everything, that doesn’t give you time to focus on what truly matters for growing the business. So you have to work on the business. What’s the best way to work on the business is simply by making those hires, making those systems.

And please understand that what took you from zero to 10 k will take you to 100 k. A lot of people say it won’t. It will. It’s just about how much more you have to do the same exact things, but you just have to do it at way more of an output. You need to be posting way more. So instead of 1 to 2 times a day, you need to be posting text instead of only having one employee Friday 3 or four. Now there are exceptions to the rule for, but for the majority, you’re gonna need to just have a greater output if you actually wanna get 100 k months, guys. That is what took me from 10 k months to HUNDRED k months in terms of profit.

I really hope you guys enjoy that video. Also, I’ll leave like a screenshot, right? So you guys know that I’m not via. Guys, thanks for watching. If you enjoyed it, please like comment and DM me on Instagram if you need any more help.