Pirate Pie Adventures: Creating a Delicious Egg, Coconut, Curry, Chicken Pie

Hi, White Day. Hey, look, you ever wondered what happened if a pirate. Coconut, carrot, chicken, said to her, why, oh, I’d love to fill you up to the lid, eh? Yeah, me too. Cast. Me too. Yeah, let’s make one. Egg, coconut, curry, chicken pie. Cordon. Alright, so you’ve got a little normal puff pastry and we got a little pie kind of thing here. So this side does the bottoms and this side does the tops there, right? Let’s cut a couple out there. Boom. And just like that, Bobby, Uncle Oriani couldn’t be a dog. These guys never know. But anyway, that’s it. Hold on. Now we gotta get the pie maker ready. Boom. Nothing fancy. Bottoms in away, then fill him up. Got fill him right up to the lip. You’re not just like you say. But yeah, once put the lids in, the bottoms in, won’t slap a shaft. Kick back, sit back and wait for a deliciousness. Oh, red light songs. That’s made me ready. I love cat that they want on the right to need a little bit more time there. But they wanna, they look, Jesus, if you look up the word, the launches in the dictionary, you see this picture right here? Right there. That’s what you’ll see. Oh, boom. There we go. All right, peace. Let’s give it a crack, man.

11. Somebody called 7 level. Tell him I got the bonfire for him. I got the bonfire from shove level. Tell him I’m coming. Budget file, that common budget file.