Guide to Easy Scholarships for College Girlies: Tips and Tricks for Finding and Applying for Scholarships

This video is for my college girlies. If you’re looking for scholarships to apply for the fall, watch this video. First thing you’re gonna do is you’re gonna go to the website, You’ll have to create a profile, but create the profile and then it’s gonna show you all of the scholarships that you can apply for.

This is what mine looks like. There’s several scholarships on here that I can apply for. And you don’t even have to write an essay for them. This is my third or fourth year in college, so I kind of know a little bit about scholarships. And I know that if I get any of this money awarded to me, it’s just gonna be put right in my bank account. So I apply for every scholarship that I can possibly find.

Mind the first one I’m gonna apply for is this 2,000 dollar Sally may know essay scholarship. It’s literally so easy to apply. I think it asked me for my name and my email address and my phone number and like what college I go to. No essay was required, though. Next, I wanted to try to apply for this 25,000 dollar b bold no essay scholarship. If I got a 25,000 dollar scholarship, I would be like, are you freaking kidding me? I would not know what to do. Okay, so the scholarship is on the website

Okay, so this website is interesting. Every time you answer a couple of questions, it gives you points. And once I got to 100 points, it said, you can now apply for the 100 Bold Point Scholarship for $1,000. And all I had to do is click it and it submitted me. It had me put in my school. I go to my graduation year, my major, things like that. I hate that it ask the question, what is your ethnicity? And I know that I can click. I prefer not to answer, but I feel like that’s even more annoying to just not answer it. This website is also making me create an account, which is a kind of annoying. But if they’re gonna give me free money, I will create as many accounts as they want me to. Okay, that website, I’m just not vibing with. It’s asking me way too many questions and it’s just making it not worth it at this point. It needs to be quick and easy.

Okay, so this next one I’m gonna try to apply for. It says 50,000 dollar scholarship owl. No essay scholarship. So it’s taking me to a website called Scholarship First, it wants me to put in my birthday. Hello. Okay. So it’s saying we’ve matched you with a no essay scholarship, $1,000, one click to apply.

Okay, now that I created my website, it’s saying you have 128 matches worth $204,500. It’s got pretty much all of them just already marked. So let’s see what happens. If we had a plan now, like what is this? Like, what are you asking me now? You want me to pay you to apply for a scholarship? Okay, this website is annoying. You literally have to pay to apply for these scholarships. Scholarship owl is a no.

And like, there’s really no way to know what’s what until you just start doing it. The school that I go to, Lincoln Land, and they actually have their own scholarship program that they do. It’s called the Foundation Scholarship. And basically it, you can go to this page and it applies you for a whole bunch of scholarships. And then they reach out to you. The past few times I’ve done it, I have gotten a couple of them. Never for like a bunch of money, but I’ve gotten a couple for $500 and then maybe I think I got one for 1,000 and one for 2,000. So it’s just free money.

The foundation scholarship opens on November the 15th. And you have until February 15th to apply. So unfortunately, if you didn’t get your application in this last February, the coming school year of 2024,2025 year, out of luck. Okay, I’m gonna try to apply for one more from this niche program, the one that I clicked on this time says college survey, 1,000 dollar scholarship.

Now it’s wanting me to write Lincoln Land. It’s wanting me to give 1 through five stars for academics. I’m doing four diversity, I’m doing three. Housing in a professors, I’m giving them a 2 because most of my professors at Lincoln Land have not been good.

Student life. Don’t really know. I do feel safe there. Campus life and a athletics and a local area. I think that they keep Lincoln Land very clean. And there’s a quiz nose downstairs. I think it always smells fire. It’s also asking me about the party scene, but I’m marking na because I know. Okay, so that one had me write a little like summary of what I think about Lincoln Land. And then it said, thank you. You have applied for a thousand dollar scholarship. So that one was really easy. That was this one that I just did. There’s a bunch more scholarships on here. You should definitely go look for them and apply for them because it’s literally free money.