Earth-Friendly and Versatile: The Ultimate Lunchbox Solution

Your new lunchbox. Isn’t it cool? This lunchbox is only 7,99. So this part here, this part is file degradable. Once we’re done with the lunchbox, it’s compostable here. This part we could put in the dishwasher. I can go in the dishwasher, refrigerator or microwave section here or other foods. And this part is compostable also. You know what compost means? No, it means you can put it in the earth and the earth will break it down. And it would be good for the earth again instead of putting it in landfills where that usually things can’t break down as easily. So do you like this for your new lunch box? Yeah, let’s put some food in it. How about that? Yeah, and ventilate Thomas shares check in and rice. And then it has another layer of where you can keep your cold items, like your salad and yours, and your fruit, or you can reverse it whichever way you want. Click on that orange card. Now the inner lining is 100% biodegradable. It’s a great price, too.