Review and Enjoyment: North Shore 9 Coffee Mug

But guess what? I did get my North Shore 9 coffee mug came in. So now I can drink coffee and, you know, advertise the brand. You can get these on the NS line shop, by the way. Very nice. I don’t know. You had one of those? This is my first time drinking out of it. Does it taste even better? The coffee tastes incredible. How about that? Look at that, 10 out of 10 stars. Very nice. Well, good job, Jim. I’m. I have a Big Water jug. Sorry. No, and it’s not branding on this one. Some people just, you know, take the, take this thing more seriously than others.

You . Is this better? There we go. Where this for the show there or your pack. All right. There we go. So anyways.