Dealing with an Overbearing Mother-in-Law During Pregnancy: A Venting Session at the Ultrasound Office

Is anyone else sick of their mother in law? Sorry for the rant, but I needed to vent. LMAO. I’m currently 36 weeks and five days, but this happened at my 28 weeks ultrasound. I asked my mother in law to come with me so she could see her grand baby. As soon as we get to the ultrasound office, she’s complaining that we’re waiting too long. We had only been there for about 10 minutes. They call us back and I get weighed. She immediately comments on my weight and then asks to weigh herself. I let it go because I honestly just want to see my son and go home so I don’t have to deal with mother in law anymore.

We get inside the ultrasound room and I’m lying down prepping for the gel to be put on my belly. Tech comes in, gels me up and starts looking for the baby. Mother in law leaves her seat, stands directly behind the deck and stares at her screen. I politely let her know there are two additional screens around the room for her to watch. She claims she wants to see what the tech sees. Tech says the screens around the room show exactly what’s on her monitor. Aside from the interface, we finally get Baby Boy on screen and start the anatomy scan.

Mother in law immediately touches my belly without permission. Gets, get on her hand, claims it’s sticky and wipes it on my dress. I near lost my mind, but kept it calm in the office. We get everything done and go home. It’s been weeks and I’m still mad about it. I’ve had her stay out in the waiting room for all other appointments after that one. She wants to be in the delivery room, but I absolutely do not want her in there. Am I overreacting at all?