Quantum Jumping: A Manifestation Journey to Spain

Had an insane manifestation happened to me recently that I wanna share with you. Imagine me last year, no money at all, trying to manifest living in Spain. Affirmations were like, I even started writing them in Spanish and I was like, I live in Spain. I love living in Spain. I was fully embodied in me living in Spain.

But imagine me, no money at all, driving my car here in the UK, and all of a sudden my radio turns to a span Danish station. I looked it up and apparently when the weather is right, where is warm enough in the UK, you can get Spanish radio. Anyway, it changes a station called Onda Sero and under, when translated means vibe. So the radio randomly changes and someone speaks Spanish and I’m like, oh , this is really good. This is a huge sign in my manifestations on the way. And I told my wife is like, Ben, we have no money.

How, what are you talking about? And then fast forward to this month. Last week, we came home from a three month day in Spain, where my wife and I tried to figure out if we wanted to live there. And on the drive back, it’s quiet. And my wife says, why don’t you put the radio on? And I put the radio on. It tuned to this station, the same station under Sero, where on the serote, the accent, it turned to the station where it hadn’t the entire 3 months day.

For me, it was when I was in the UK and it attuned to the station. I had pulled the future towards me. I’m gonna get a little bit off here. I don’t think past, the future and the present exist like that. I think it’s all happening at the same time. So I think what I done was call it quantum jumping, call whatever you want. I felt as though I was pulling the future towards me. If you’ve made it this far in the video, thanks. And if you wanna learn more, I’ve got more videos in my draft supposed, but on Sunday I’m hosting a webinar on manifestation and sharing all the everything that I use to manifest, everything that I have and have had wild stories that I haven’t shared yet, including this TikTok page. See the tickets from my bio.