Chasing Shadows: A Journey of Faint Lines and Fertility Tests

I have such bad line eyes. I just see the faintest of lines. It just woke up. So it’s time to take a test now. I already peed. I have it off camera on this little bowl.

Couple people commented on my last video and said they think that dipping the test into like a bowl of P versus like peeing on the stick gives you a more accurate result. So we’re gonna go ahead and try that this morning. I’m still gonna test for ovulation just to see.

Okay, but with Clear Blue, I have this Clear Blue digital ovulation test kit, but I used to get pregnant with my son, so I ordered it to get pregnant baby No. 2 this time and track my cycle. I didn’t realize this, but when you test positive for ovulation, a smiley face comes up. This stays locked. Once you get a positive ovulation, it won’t let you keep testing every single day. But I can still use the little test strip and see how dark my line is and dip it in for a couple seconds. So I use the flow app to keep track of everything outside of the Clear Blue app. I also use that when I got pregnant with my son and it worked great. I love the app. I paid for the like premium memberships. You get access to all kinds of information and tools.

Now if I’m going, based on that, I should have ovulated, I think 9 days ago. I thought maybe I just missed it. Maybe I ovulated earlier than that because normally I do ovulate earlier than the app says in the past, like four days, five days or so, I’ve had some weird symptoms that could be possible pregnancy symptoms, but those same early pregnancy symptoms are also ovulation symptoms. So basically, I’ve been feeling nauseous. I puked one day. If you know anything about my pregnancy with my son, I was extremely nauseous and I was diagnosed with hyperemesis with my son. So I’ve been very scared that I will have that again with my next pregnancy. I also have just been very like Moody and emotional. Again, could be an early pregnancy symptom, could be in ovulation symptom. So there is already two lines on this and it hasn’t been very long. So then I did get these clear blue. It comes with two of the blue dye, two of the digitals. I kind of wanna save the digitals because they’re so expensive. I think I’m gonna go ahead and use one of these first response ones.

I do want to just remind everyone that we were not actively trying this cycle. I have a blood clotting disorder and a gene mutation, Shen, which makes me have high risk pregnancies. So that is why I have to be very careful in test and make sure I know I’m pregnant right away. I have to be careful. Okay, here it goes.

Cuz the second I do get pregnant, I need to start lovenox injections. So our plan was that I would go this month, may go see my specialist, get my Lovenox Injections, prescription refill build. But that way, so when we started trying, if we got a positive, I would have my shots to start right away. When I do get a positive, my specialist will schedule me for an ultrasound right away. And they usually are able to get me in about like two to 3 days to confirm the pregnancy and make sure everything’s good because I did have a loss prior to my son and I was not on Logan Aux injections at the time.

I didn’t know at the time that I had a blood clotting disorder. I don’t think it’s been long enough, but I’m not seeing anything. I like kind of do if I look really hard, but I think it’s just an EVAP line. All right. Do you guys see a line? Okay, I just closed out of the TikTok app and filmed just my normal camera app. And now I’m making myself paranoid because it’s so faint if there is anything there. But again, if I ovulated when I should have ovulated, I’d only be 8 or 9 days post ovulation. I’m gonna put, I’ll put the video in and I’ll put a picture up. I mean, it’s one of those lines where you have to like zoom in, squint, you know, change the contrast. But I don’t know. We’ll see. We’ll keep testing.

I do kind of see a line now. I’m making myself paranoid. So I don’t know. I’m just confused. If I am ovulating right now, why did I ovulate 10 days late? I’ll keep you guys updated. And I just want to remind you guys, we weren’t trying this cycle. So Alex said it best, it’s a win. Either I’m pregnant and that’s a win. We’d be so grateful for another baby. We want more children. We want another baby very badly. But it’s also when, if I’m not pregnant right now because it wasn’t our original plan to get pregnant right now. And we do have plans. So I’m not completely heartbroken. I’m a little relieved if I’m not. I’m also a little sad if I’m not, just because I feel like if you’re a mom, you can relate to that, like taking a test, you just get like excited even if you don’t really want it right now. So anyways, I will see you guys later.