Ultimate Selfie Light Tripod Review: Unbeatable $11 Deal with Free Shipping and Easy Returns!

Y’all, I just made a video of my new selfie light tripod like 30 seconds ago. And when I checked it in my showcase, it is on an even better deal than it was when I posted. This bad boy is down to $11. If you have that TikTok Shop coupon, look at how small this thing gets. You can have it on a tripod here or all the way up. The lighting modes are warm or cool, depending on what you need. And you can click through to turn off. You just hold it down and it’ll turn off for you. It has been amazing. Content creator, mom, picture taker, whatever you need, go get it linked below right now. It also has free shipping and it normally doesn’t. When I got it, I had to buy two items to get up to like $30 to get free shipping. It has free shipping. It folds up so small. Go get it for only $11 in the TikTok shop. Free returns. You will not regret it.