Ultimate Slurpee Deal: Win Free Snacks and Sips for a Year with 7-Eleven Rewards Program

My tongue is stuck to my neck. I’ll get myself a nice Slurpee. It’s hot as hell out, Mo. Hang on. Stop. Cuz how you don’t you hear me? The rewards program at 7,11. Yeah, I got the amp. You gotta check out the snacks and sips campaign. Ain’t you doing? Free snacks and ships for a year with 7 rewards. All I gotta do to enter is purchase with 7 rewards and I get a chance to win free snacks and sips for a year. Wow, you get an entry for any product you purchase and you get seven times the entries when you get some of my favorites. Are you doing Slurpee, baby? Peanut bought in my name. I’ll be drinking servers for a year. Hang it down.