Nurse Gang: Maximizing Freedom and Flexibility with Clipboard and Intellicare Apps

What up, Nurse Gang? What up, TikTok? Let me show you how I maintain freedom and flexibility as a nurse. Working for apps such as clipboard and intellicare have been a game changer for me. I sit and wait until I see that bonus shift pop up, and then I get to it. I pack my bag quickly and I head on out. I hawk the apps all week, so I already know where the need is gonna be, where I might be traveling to, and which facilities are gonna pay me the most money. So I sit and wait for that text to pop up and I get on the road. Listen, I will drive anywhere to get that back. I quickly get in, quickly get out and there you have it. I did my shift and I walk away with 800 to 1,000 dollars every time. Get with it. It’s money out there.