Navigating Lease Renewal Anxiety: Uncovering Market Value Discrepancies

I’m like shaking because I’m so nervous. I might not. I’m so my lease, I rent in a complex, very large complex where they don’t really care about people. And my lease is ending. So they’re going to offer me a new lease agreement. Usually if you rent, you understand, means more money. So I get this lease agreement. They say they’re gonna give me a 50 dollar discount. I’m like, oh, great. But that 50 dollar discount still ends up being 100 dollars more than what I pay now. And it would be for 17 months, so longer than what I had a year before.

So I’m like, man, can I, so I go and I ask why? And they say it’s market value. And I’m like, okay, I understand market value. So I go into the website and I look at what the market value for that property is and what they would offer it to new tenants for. On the website, they offer this floor plan $300 less than what they are offering me to reup my lease agreement for the seven, so for 17 months. So I ask, I would like the new tenant price and it’s probably going to lose me my house.