Upgrade Your Gaming Setup with the Toner TC310: A Color-Changing, Crystal Clear Microphone Review

Y’all, it is time to throw this headset mic away because I got an upgrade. Look at this beauty. It’s a new toner TC three ten gaming. My god. And guess what? It changes colors. So I can put it on purple, I could put it on pink, I could put it on multi color if I wanted to. Cuz it is that awesome. You can also easily mute the mic and it looks bright red when you do that. So there’s no confusion on what is muted and what’s. Not only is this mic PC and PlayStation compatible, but you can also adjust the color brightness of your mic. Let me show you a quick before and after.

This was my mic before. There’s two people right here. I’m laying right here that was using my old headset mic and it was horrible quality. Echoey, statically, just not it. I’m going to show you my mic quality using the Toner TC three hundred ten gaming mic. And I think you’re just gonna like drop lay. We can go to our normal place that we go to at the end of the map. The difference is actually insane. It’s so clear and crisp, you can easily hear what I’m saying and you’re not getting that annoying echo. Now to the best part, if you shop with my link below through the TikTok shop, you can get an extra 25% off this mic, making it under $30.