Unveiling TikTok Samples: Sunglasses, Struggles, and Frustrations

I absolutely love getting free samples from the TikTok shop. And these pair of sunglasses have been wanting for a really long time. Finally got them. I made a video about it and posted it. So if you want them, can get it either a free sample or get them for like 8 bucks, I think. Anyway, back to my story. I got him for free. I made a video, I posted it. So my dues are paid. Anyway, earlier today I was going through my samples, trying to manage them. But one thing that’s starting to annoy me and absolutely piss me off is that I made a video for these glasses. TikTok has told me I did not. And then earlier I made another video for a different product. And the thing is, when you link a product, TikTok will only let you use licensed audio. So anything that’s copyrighting, you’re not allowed to use. TikTok will just not let you post that or it’ll just mute your audio. So tell me why I went through that process twice for both the glasses and a shirt that I bought. And then I go back and check and TikTok tells me that I still have not made a video for those two products. I’m just wondering if this happen to anybody else.