Salon Drama: The Furry Hair Debacle and Creative Freedom Clash

Okay, TikTok, we have a drama on our hands. Yesterday, a lady came to my salon and asked if I would do her hair completely furry. Her sister is a famous influencer and she wanted me to do her in exchange for content. She wanted her highlights refreshed and she told me, do not take anything off the length under any circumstances. I decided to do a freehand balliage. And I will just say, unless you are highly skilled like me, do not do a free hand balliage.

Despite the fact that she told me she only wanted to highlight 3 done, I decided that instead I would do her hair bright orange. I feel like if she’s not paying, she shouldn’t get a choice, which is where the drama start to unfold. When she saw the orange dye, obviously, she wasn’t best impressed. I told her it’s just a washout color, which isn’t, it’s permanent. But since it’s my content, I feel like I should get creative freedom. I also just think it looks sick. But now this girl is constantly messaging me asking when her hair is gonna wash out. Just because her sister is beautiful, amazing and famous, it does not mean that she deserves to have an attitude like that.