Transforming Lives: Personalized Coaching for Fitness and Mental Well-being

If you remember this video, then you remember me from the superhuman documentary on Snapchat of how I went from this at 13 to me eventually gaining almost 100 pounds and looking the way I do right now. I used to get hundreds of DMs every single day asking me how I made that transformation mentally and physically. So what a lot of people don’t talk about is it’s really hard mentally. Think about being at one spot and where you want to be later on in the future. And it feels like a really daunting task. So I want to give a little bit back and help you guys to where I got to. I’m gonna be opening up a one on one coaching link that’s gonna be in my TikTok bio that you guys can schedule a call and just talk to me about your fitness goals, what you kind of wanna get out of it. What do we making? Custom meal plans, custom workout plans. I’ll be helping you with your sleep, life advice, school advice.

Now, this isn’t gonna be some bodybuilding program helping you guys get stage lean, stage ready. But if you’re just getting in the gym or you’ve been in the gym and you’re not seeing the progress that you’re trying to make. I want to be the one to get you there the same way that I got myself to where I am right now. And if you’re someone that just wants to make fitness and working out part of your lifestyle, I got you. Click the link and get started.