Discovering Contentment: The Ayurvedic Path to Inner Peace and Well-being

In Ayurveda, being content, finding happiness, fighting off the anxiety and depression really comes from inside out. And there’s an old saying called yoga stock karu kamani, which simply means establish being and then perform action. In other words, that we have to kind of pull back the bow, become a little bit more self aware, find that inner silence within us and then take action from that place. If I was shooting a bow and arrow when I was moving it around, I would never find the arrow. But if I hold it still and then take action, it’s transformational. So I wrote an article about something called click, where these are the 5 ways to access a level of contentment. And the first one for C is care. Second one is love. Next one is introspection. Next one is compassion. And finally, the last one, his kindness. Be kind.