Unlocking Quality Leads with Fringe Concepts: A Proven Strategy for Cost-Effective Lead Generation

So, fringe concepts are the best way to get quality leads without adding a sh ton of questions and adding a bunch of friction for qualifications or anything. These lead do rules are yapping about. And if you do this right, you’ll get a higher volume of quality leads with way less effort and ad spend.

And I’ve done this with tons of companies to reduce cost and increase volume and lead quality. But this takes thinking outside the box and really understanding your ideal customer. And I’m gonna give you one solid example. And if you have a brain, you can expand upon this and create a version that works for your business.

So here’s the key. Think of fringe concepts that speak to your ideal customer, so you don’t have to compete with everyone else on the same keywords and concepts. And here’s the example. So everyone who wants to help coaches and consultants grow their business calls them out in their ads and they say like, hey, coaches and consultants, if you wanna achieve XYZ with XYZ, blah, blah, blah, right? And they end up blending in with everyone doing the same thing, which ultimately make it more expensive.

But instead you could use a fringe concept and say something like, don’t start a Facebook group, do this instead. And the only people who would ever click on that ad are coaches and consultants. And that’s because starting a group is one of the most popular ways to grow that type of business.

Oh yeah, and I’ve tested this and 95% of the 500+ leads generated on this exact herbage, we’re actually coaches and consultants and I reduce my lead cost from 15 to 20 dollars down to $1,50 per lead.

So fringe concepts are one way to get high quality leads with more volume and less friction mission resulting in cheaper ad cost. But there is another equally as good way to do this. So stay tuned.