Idols Falling: A Message of Awakening and Release

Every idol is getting ready to fall, friend, all of them, from Beyonce to White Jesus. Every single idol is getting ready to fall because the most high around here, you hear me, the creator is a standard of all that is good and perfect.

The one that make sure that these trees keep springing from this ground no matter what we humans do. The one that make sure these birds keep on chirping no matter what we humans got going on. That one is ready to set some stuff straight. I’m trying to tell you, I’ve been trying to tell you all for quite some time now. As you have seen me, if you have seen me, surrender it all, release everything, release my affinity for Beyonce.

Release my affinity for Michelle Obama, release my affinity for kamalharis, release my affinity for Cardi B. Release my affinity for a Rihanna, release my affinity for a Drake, release my affinity for the school that I started. Release my affinity for the characters that I created, release my affinity for my own little bit of fame that I was growing into in the city that I just moved away from. It all has to be released. Release that house that I had, that big old nice house, released that every, all of it, that closet for the clothes and shoes and bags that I had, all of it. And I’m better for it.

I’m telling y’all, every single one of these idols will continue to fall. This is not, how are you all not thinking more deeply about what is happening around us? And you gotta understand, this is coming from an educator, a trained educator. And I got a great training, okay? A grade from undergraduate, graduate school to postgraduate studies. I’m telling you all, this is all very intentional. This is all very systematic for us to not be critical thinkers as these things are happening around us, as god is moving, so that we can be convinced that it’s not God. They want to keep us from our creator. They want to keep us separated from our souls.

Please hear me. Please trust me. Even if you don’t like what I’m saying when I say it, I’m telling you I am always speaking from a place of love, always. Even when I’m being silly, even when I’m talking a little bit of , I’m always speaking from a place of love. I do not want you to suffer. I don’t want you to suffer. Please listen to me. Even if I trigger you, even if I sh, even if I got you in a little bit of cognitive dissonance, please give me the chance. Hear me out.

All of these idols are falling because there is one great creator and sustainer of all of this. There is one great, perfect, unconditional lover of us all that is holding this whole thing together. And man continues to get in the way. Man continues to play with our psyche. Man continues to play with our physical form. Man continues to play with our spirits and our creator has reached the sum of its tolerance, its time. Please get right before you get left.