Cordon Bleu Gastronomic Lunch and Wine Pairing at Hotel de la Marine: A Sumptuous Journey of French Cuisine and Wine Exploration During the Paris Olympics

I attended a gastronomic lunch with wine pairings with the Cordon Blue at the historic hotel de LA Marine, which is a unique experience being offered during the Olympic Games in Paris. And it was so much fun. Their head similarly fed the wine tasting and he taught us how to visually analyze wine, which I didn’t know before. He also taught us that when you swirl a white wine, the scent that you’re gonna get is gonna change drastically. But when you swirl a red wine, it might not change that much. I had no idea. Food and wine pairings are highlighted for an hour and 30 minutes, combining a gashonomic meal by Chef Eric Region Back, one of the best craftsmen in France, with a range of carefully selected wines. Now when he brought out the lobster, he explained to us that it was actually cooked skin seawater to make it taste as natural as possible. And I don’t know what he did to it, but it was literally the best lobster I’ve ever had in my life. I mean, just look at that. This workshop was so cool because it combined incredible French meals, but also the wines that go along with them. So they help you understand which wines you should be pairing when you’re cooking at home and also which flavor notes to look for. So I feel like I understand a little bit more about wine now.

Thank you guys. So as I said, this is what the cordon do at the hotel de LA Marion. This offer is gonna be going on during the Olympics this summer. And guys, if you’re into French food, if you’re in the wine, I highly suggest you check it out. It was so much fun.