The Power of Boundaries: The Key Difference Between a Dream Girl and a Placeholder

How come some woman get the jewelry, get the gifts, get the money, get the car, get the flowers, get the calls and the messages back, get all the respect in the world, get princess treatment and everything thing they need from their men. Some women are just a placeholder, still stuck in a horrible relationship. Why is there some woman they would hill and goal to war for and some woman they would never, ever respect?

What’s the difference between the dream girl and the placeholder? One woman they want to grow old with, have children with, have dreams in a future with, and the other one they don’t really love but kind of put up with or just hook up with because she’s making them feel comfortable. She’s easy, she’s convenient, but they don’t really respect her. I’m gonna tell you right now, linen, the difference between the dream girl or the placeholder is one thing and one thing only, boundaries. The dream girl has boundaries, the placeholder doesn’t. The dream girl doesn’t even reply to his text messages anymore after eight PM because she has Pilates in the morning, placeholder, wake sub at 3 a. M. For the boutique call, puts her makeup on, jumps into the taxi just to see him. Dream go ahead to cancel dinner plans with him because she forgot that her sister isn’t town. The placeholder drops everything and jumps at every opportunity where she gets to see him. The placeholder schedules her life around him. The dream girl schedules her life around her.

Dream girl is a mental challenge. The placeholder is easy. Why is the dream girl a mental challenge? Because she has boundaries make a woman irresistible and unbelievably attractive. You communicate your worth to a man through your boundaries. And the quicker you put them in place, the more he’s gonna respect you. Boundaries make a man respect you because you simply don’t jump when he says jump. If you want to learn how to be respected, how to set boundaries, how to actually speak up and use your words as you saw an armor as a woman. Click the link in my bio and join me for my new online course. I’ll see you there.