The Versatile and Sustainable Benefits of Olive Leaves: From Making Olive Tea to Providing Livestock Feed

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to pick some olive leaves to make olive tea. And what I’ll do is I’ll just pick these sort of nice tippy little pieces like this. And they’re quite easy to pick. They’re quite sort of brittle and easy to pick. I’m gonna take this bunch of olive leaves and dry them in the oven, and then I’ll make some olive tea from them.

But olive foliage is very useful. Pharma could plant large areas at large windbreaks and shelter belts of olive trees, and they’re very hardy, and during dry times, your grasses will dry up and die and disappear. But olives will stay green and lush because they have a strong, deep root system and they resist drought. And you can cut fresh olive foliage like this and you can feed it to livestock and keep them alive. And during times of draft, they can be used as what’s called a photo tree. And they’ve been used for thousands of years in the Mediterranean as food for goats and sheep and cattle and also for making olive tea, which is taken for health purposes.