Connecting Through Azar: A Guide for Teens on Making Friends and Fighting Loneliness

Piece of advice for young teens. You’re at university, let myself and you get lonely. Download as our as our as available and out. So for totally free, you can download this and chat to absolutely anybody you like. So this is great for me because when I’m at uni, I get very lonely sometimes. So you can literally hop on the app and start video chatting to anybody you like. As you can see on the screen right here, it’s a great opportunity to make loads of new friends and find people of similar interests as you can even invite you close friends to download Azar and you can chat together. And instead of just calling them, you can connect with them through Azar. You can even go live in Azar and chat loads different people, make lots of new friends. So yeah, guys, download as are today and make sure to connect with these people on Azar. Cheers, guys.