Reflections on a Vacation Coming to an End: Making the Most of Beach Days and Planning for Longer Stays

Well, all good things must come to an end, and this vacation is slowly coming to an end. Truly can’t believe how fast it is flown by. This, our last official day at the beach. Quite decided if we’re gonna leave late tonight or super early in the morning, just whenever the kids will sleep and hopefully we don’t get caught in traffic again. Y’all already know how to get my favorite coffee before we leave. And then we visited this local little breakfast place beside us. And it was okay. I tell you what, any eating places around condos are just freaking overly expensive. Cuz tell me how a biscuit was $8. Does anyone, what else, get the vacation blues? Or is that just me? Because when I get home, I’m probably gonna be depressed.

I don’t know if it’s the fact that summer’s coming to an end, that my kids are going back to school and this year flying by. I don’t know, but it just upsets me when I get back home to reality only that I already know. When I start driving home, I’m literally gonna tell myself, okay, I feel like I just made this trip up here, this 8 hour trip. I feel like I just made it.

Well, you’ve met some friends, basadas, that are from Texas, and they told us that they usually come for 7 days. This year they decided to say for 10 days because it just truly flaws Bahasa effect. SM. Maybe make sure that’s what we’ll probably try today instead of just coming for like six, seven days, we’re gonna probably shoot for 10 days. I feel like we haven’t even had time to do anything. Of course, we sit on the beach all day and then my kids just wanna go the cool. But other than that, I feel like we just haven’t done anything. We’ve had a good time. We’ve got just a little bit of sunburn and we’re definitely waterlogged. I’ll try to soak up the day to day, enjoy the beach when we come back in, we can start packing. I’ll see y’all later.