Unlocking Free McDonald’s: The Alpha DoorDash Strategy Revealed

Let me show you how you can get free McDonald’s. Alpha Dordash. You guys know that I’d like to do my Dordash chills. I’m welcome. You how you can get a free big mug. Just keep watching. So there’s another glitch. Like always, if you spend $15, you get a free item. The free item is a Big Mac, but it’s not spend $15 and then get a free item. Instead, it’s the Big Mac is included in it. So I’m gonna show you, you’re gonna add a Big Mac to your cart and then add whatever else that equals $15. A Big Mac is like seven something, almost $8, which is ridiculous. So I just added fries and a six piece and then my sauces, and that tilted up to $16. And then it subtracted the 7:49 for the Big Mac and you’re left to only pay like $10 for basically a Big Mac meal when you would have spent $20 before the coupon, which is crazy. So enjoy your free Big Mac and whatever else you choose with your order. And I know some Karen’s are gonna be like, it’s not free is the Big Mac not free? Okay, you’re welcome.