Unveiling the Predatory Practices: My Journey with Argosy University and the Fight for Justice

Good morning. It’s very early. There’s a lot of birds out, but I’m gonna try to record this anyway. Did you know that in addition to struggling with the general cost of higher education and student loans and all the expenses required to get a degree, that millions of Americans were also outright defrauded by their universities. You may have heard me talk in the past about my own personal situation with Argus University. If you haven’t, the short story is that I borrowed a large amount of money. I have since paid that money back and then some, and I owe three times what I borrowed. And that is because Argos, the university, was found to be engaging in predatory lending and manipulative lending practices and eventually was actually closed.

Now I am one of the, quote, lucky ones because the university that I attended became legacy, but the program itself was in existence before that. So the quality of education I got was actually very high. I, they were a fully accredited program.

Not everybody was that lucky. Many of Argocy’s programs were actually found to be lacking. Many of them engaged in predatory lending, outright fraud, a lot of lying, and many people who graduated from RGC University have not been able to obtain gainful employment in their fields and have certainly not been able to even make a dent in their student loans.

You’re gonna see a lot more posts on my page about what have with RGC University like in detail. And you’re also gonna hear why despite being closed by the federal government due to fraud, our loans haven’t gone anywhere. In other cases, schools that have been closed by the federal government have also been mandated to erase or sometimes even refund these student loans that were taken out because they were fraudulently obtained. That has not happened yet for Argosy, but we’d like to change that. These posts are also gonna give you an opportunity to hear other people’s stories. And believe me when I tell you, my story is nothing compared to what has happened to so many people. Here’s the new account. I hope you check it out and follow the rest of the series on my page as I post them.