Worth Beyond Age: The Value of Women Over 30

True that women lose our value once we turn 30? I don’t know. Ask all the women that are over 30. Ask them. Lose your value to who are dusty, who can’t afford you anymore. I don’t think so. I think that’s only when does these wallets hit the wall and they can’t afford women over 30. You know, like, cuz we like trips. Vacations, the finer things in life, houses, cars, you know, when you’re 25, you like forever 21. The movies, road trips. So their wallets literally hit the wall. Once a woman turns 30, she wants more. And some of the dusty guys that are dating them cannot affect for anyone over the age of 25 or 30. So they make up something to say, okay, well, you lose value after a certain age because you can’t afford that woman. So it’s okay to admit it.