Decoders Campus Boot Camp: Guaranteed Internship Program – Your Path to Landing a Software Developer Job in Just 8 Months!

So how did Ethan, Karen, Old John, Yasin, Dustin and countless others all quit the jobs they hated and actually land jobs, fully pay jobs as software developers, oftentimes in as little as 8 months.

Well, we have something up our sleeve here at Decoders Campus Boot Camp. We are launching a brand new initiative called the Guaranteed Internship Program. And that means that if you go through a program and actually graduate, you’ll be guaranteed an internship position where you will get the coveted experience that you actually need building software in the real world for real customers, actually get that real world experience you can put on your resume that will lead to you getting a job. So don’t make the same mistakes that other people do, which is they go and try to learn this stuff on their own with out any sort of advantage, right? You need the real world experience in order to stand out from others. So come with me. My name is Trevor Page. I’ve been doing this for 15 years of software developer and 12 years teaching professionally. I’ve seen it all and I know the path for you to success. Link in the bio below.