Summertime Snack Hack: Transforming Leftover Fruit into Refreshing Fruit Pops for Kids

This is your sign to take any leftover fruit that you have in your fridge and turn it into fruit pops for your kids. It is like the easiest summertime snack. We usually give them to the boys like when they’re playing outside. Plus mess inside the house. Great for everyone. And it’s so simple and I’m like, feel like that I feel less guilty about food waste because when those berries and fruit is starting to turn, they’re like bonded phrase it paid tickets. And no, I’m not saying give your kids gross like rotten fruit. I’m saying like they’re not gonna eat all of this before tomorrow. Like that’s just not happening. So we’re just gonna make smoothies out of it in between you and me. If it wasn’t 12 o’clock in the afternoon, I might turn this into a Margarita. It is. And my children are here with me, so we’re just gonna make them some phrase pops, because kids come first. Something else we also do all the time is we will use frozen fruit and you can make smoothie pops are also huge hit. Just make a smoothie as you would pour it into the mold, freeze it. They’ll be happy. I think I got these malts at TJ Max for like 5,99 there, everywhere, especially during the summertime or like Amazon.