Poof, Be Gone: Embracing Freedom in Relationships

Wonderful fantasy was like, baby, you don’t beg me no mine. You like, like you don’t let me know more. Maybe you need space or some time your attitude is unpredict to and I don’t wanna make you unhappy. If you’re not happy, then you’re free to go on. Cuz I don’t want you stay in around if I make you some miserable. And then says, won’t you be a manifest over and just admit that things ain’t the same instead of making me think it’s so good between us, which wants to blame both. And I’m not even gonna hold your hand when I say this. You knew that man was given vibes that he didn’t like you and as that mean, hello, sir, I’m talking to you. You knew that she was, you was a little over, you was only feeling it no more. As soon as those feelings came about and you did what you felt that you needed to do, like you took the necessary steps, you should’ve gotta bought it. And I mean with the quickness suck at myself. Why don’t you just go find somebody? Yellows, why are you still there? And he don’t even like you no more. I just say I’m so confused also to, I don’t understand why guys feel like they can never leave relationships. Like to my girl’s point, when you hate it there, get up out of there. I don’t know why you gotta make everybody’s life miserable so that you can be free yourself. Y’all love trying to force a lockdown. She won’t let me out. Moment. You can go at any point in time. So if nothing sticking like grits, I need you to get this. When it’s time to move on, I need you to, poof, be gone.