Earn Easy XP and Achieve Objectives with the FC 24 Glitch in Rovels: A Step-by-Step Guide

There is a work in XP glitching FC 24, and it is as simple as going into rovels, conceding free own goals, and it kicking you from the game. And every single game it kicks you from will go towards all of your 30 objectives cards and we’ll give you XP at the end of every single game for completing. And don’t worry if you have any evolutions going as well, they will be completed as well. So if your own person who needs free rival winds needs XP or needs to help complete their alawaran objective.

This is the easiest thing to do. As you can see here, going to a rival scan score 3 own goals and counts as a gameplay. I’m literally about a jump up right now and growing this because I wanna get some Roval wins. So if you need your free robber wins, this is probably the easiest time you could go ahead and do it right now. If they’re not doing that, you score 3 on goals, get the gang and get your XP, get your evolutions completed.

This is the easiest thing we’ve ever seen and it’s actually a working XP glitch, objective glitch. I I it’s a glitch for everything right now. This actually crazy. It’s a glitch for basically getting free rival wins right now. Like this is nuts. EA Sports are gonna patches ASAP as well. So if you’re doing it, do it really quickly, boys.