5 Key Strategies for High School Students to Achieve Financial Success

Top 5 things straight to high school to make sure that you’re rich and successful. So right now at No. 1, I’m changing my list up. You need to make sure that you get your credit right. A lot of people who right now are in humongous credit card debt do not accept money that you know you cannot pay back. Do not accept money when you know you don’t have a stable job to pay back anything.

Getting good credit will affect you with a lot of different things. Being able to get a nice place, being able to get a mortgage, being able to do things in go places and help you with so much different things in life that you think you may not need it for. Unless you just have a whole bunch of cash laying around, credit will be king for you.

At No. 2, you should at a high school. You’re an old dealt now. You need to make sure that you are investing your money. I promise you that party, those drinks, those drugs you probably shouldn’t be doing are not gonna do anything for you. I promise you right now. The religion gonna waste your money, thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. But you could be investing thousands and thousand dollars and making sure that you are pretty much worth anywhere from six figures to seven figures. Where do you wanna invest into? You wanna make sure you’re investing into different type of things, the real estate, crypto stocks, a business. There are so many different things you can invest in 2 these days. There are so many different ways to make money. Make sure you’re one of them.

No. 3, staying healthy can definitely help you a lot. Cuz especially plays a huge role in your mental health. Yeah, note saying if you feel good to play good, play good to play good. That’s the truth. That’s literally what happened for you. If you feel good, you’ll perform better when it comes down to whatever you’re doing, whether it be your job, whether it be your business, you will perform a lot better. And after that, you will get paid and comprehensive, you will get compensation for the things that you’re doing, whether it come from a business, whether come from a job. If you’re valuable, you will make money.

No. 4, stay with your parents as long as you can. I understand that some people do not have that opportunity. Some people try to say that your mental health is more important, which is completely true. However, staying with your parents can save you a lot of money. Have you seen the economy recently? For one bedroom. So you’re pretty much not see too many places, except for a few places in America where you won’t be paying 1.5,1.5*12, you’re gonna be paying around 16 k. And you pick getting a 2 bedroom two, 2,000, whatever, you’re gonna be paying anywhere from $30,000 to 16K per year.

Number four is networking. You share, some people say your network is your network. So knowing people know it is really, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seen a lot of things this year, especially where people have gotten opportunities, people have gotten business deals just due to the fact they knew someone I didn’t even know myself, that I’ve given business deals from my company to other people just off the strength that I know that person personally. So networking and getting out there and getting to know more business people, specifically people that have businesses and they can help you do certain things or people who work for good businesses that can help you as well. Make sure you lock in with those people as much as possible. Those people could save your life one day. Those people could help you in a lot of jams that you may get in yourself into, which business comes with a lot of hiccups. I’m saying right now that would do you a big, huge favor for the long run. No. 5, saving your money and opening up a raw diary. And you can look this up yourself. Google’s free. If you get into a raw diary early enough, you will 100% have a million dollars in your raw diary by the time you’re 40 to 50 years old, I assure you. However. Yes. Forty, fifty. Who wants to do fun stuff at that age? However, it’s better than being like a lot of people who don’t have any money or any millions of that age in are literally struggling while being older and they literally condition me, make me, ends me due to the fact that they most likely were not financial literate when they were younger. And lastly, make sure to follow me for more content like this.