Speculations Surrounding the Possible Departure of Mohamed Salah From Liverpool

Are we selling Salah, eh? Reports are conflicting. Maxi. I don’t see a world where Liverpool. No, let me rephrase that. I wanna answer your question correctly. May. I don’t see a world where Mohammed Salah and Rami Abbas except being sold this summer. It’s being reported that there is an opportunity that he might go. I think the best case scenario was he leaves at the end of the season. For us, I don’t see an extension being likely at the numbers that will be involved. And remember, Michael Edwards was brought in to remove the emotion from some of the decision making process. So it seems that he’s gonna go for free. That’s what I expect to happen, which will round us up to another player who’s left the club for Newton. And then they’ll have to check to tell us that we have no money.