Unlocking the Value: Identifying the Ideal Tenant for Commercial Real Estate Investments

Focus in on who’s the possible tenant. Before you go buy in a building, you gotta kind of have an end game and plan. Who would want this? There’s a lot of buildings that are cheap, but there’s a reason they were built in the wrong place. There’s a lot of reason why things don’t work. So having a vision when we get these buildings, we go, okay, the ports down the street, the refineries over here on I forty five, you understand it? This is gonna be industrial. Yeah, it could be a lot of things, but making sure that you have a vision of who would want this building when I get done, that’s the goal, right? It’s worthless until you get a good lease on it. If you get a building that’s not in a good neighborhood, no one’s gonna lease it, well, then you’ve just wasted your money. And that’s where you need some expertise when you get into commercial, understanding who’s my end user.