The Catchy: An Effective and Discreet Solution to Catch Bugs and Flies

Hey guys, guess what? Another TikTok shop, Sam. So this is called the catchy and it’s to catch bugs, you know, flies, nats, fruit flies, mosquitoes, etc. There’s two settings, a standard and a low. I generally keep it on the standard because I don’t like fruit flies. So this little light comes on here and this underneath the white part is sticky. So the flies fly in, they get sucked in and bye bye. So during the summer, I consistently get a little Nat and fruit fly problem in my apartment because the house is old, etc. I have the little plug in lights to catch flies, but I actually really like the catchy better because it’s a lot more discrete. I guess you’re not just seeing like flies stuck to the back of a sticky paper. So definitely recommended.