Stop Asking Staff to Arrive Early for Free: A Nursery Manager’s Controversial Policy – A Deep Dive Analysis

So I saw this video of like a nursery manager listing things that they speak about staff millions. I’ll just play you the one reason that really he irretired me when I watched it. Do.

Not start 10 minute, but need to arrive tenants early. Put your things away, go fill a water bottle, do all the things, then.

You start. I think you all know what I’m about to say. Stop asking your staff to get in 10 minutes early, 15 minutes early, 20, whatever time. Stop doing it unless you’re going to pay them at it racks my brain, honestly, like the comments in this person’s like TikTok video as well is literally all saying the same thing. You need to pay them, you need to pay.

I think she tries to get out of this by saying like, oh, it’s not, I’m not asking you to start early. It doesn’t matter. You’re still telling them that they need to be at work at a certain time before their time. All you need to be doing is saying that you start a 7:30, for example, you need to be in your room ready to work at 7:30. That’s it. You don’t need to say anything else. It’s not due to dictate how long it takes someone to get ready to start work. They could show up at 7:27, hang up their car and go straight to their room and be ready to work at 7:29. It’s, I, it’s not up to you to dictate how long it takes someone to get ready for work. Like she’s basically saying go to the toilet in your own time. That’s not paid.

This is exactly why I don’t think that normal people should just be able to buy nursery. Sorry, I just don’t agree with it. You, she clearly doesn’t understand how to manage people. She might know how to work with children. She might know how to have that kind of environment for them. But when you start speaking to people, I don’t think she has a clue. This is another part of the video that just grinding my gears outside. The staff need to spread it. She might as well just sit, disperse.

I understand what she’s saying, but the trigger for me is the fact that she’s doing this. You don’t need to be doing this. Like, why you like, no, she also did this in a section where she’s talking about counting children. She’s like this. I think people know how to count. You don’t need to be signing, how to do things. It just comes across as patronizing and quite frankly, just rude. She made some good points in a video. Some of it is relevant, like not drinking hot drinks. In the UK, we’re not allowed to do it anyway. But the way that she comes across in that video would give me immediate red flags for working with someone like that. The way that she’s speaking, her, like her body language and the fact it, again, stop asking people to come in early for free. Stop doing it. Please stop doing it. If you’re a manager, does that that, does that stop it. Pay them anyway, if you watched all that, thanks for taking the time to watch that. Go and watch that video if you want. The comments in it are absolutely hilarious. It, a lot of it is like, you know, how’s your staff turnover? The 10 minutes earlier triggered a lot of people is ridiculous. I think she must be in America or something, but I’m guessing they still have the same laws like we do.