Watches, Dial Designs, and Diamond Offers: A Dissection of Timekeeping and Luxury

Very good. Do you know Max has got that easy battle tracks and YC Boom, that’s got. I’m just waiting for the 12 dollar for the hands to set the 12. All right. Just now when I remove them, it’s they don’t altogether. So we thought you have to wait now because this is a custom dial. We have it set on a double sided tape, right? Stickies, right? So we don’t need that. So this is what it’s gonna look like without the dial. Hello? That’s crazy. Okay, why not, right? Yeah, let’s see what happens today. It’ll be like, people will be like, what the is that? Boom. So that’s 12 right there. If we look at this to the side, you could see the clearance between the two hands, which is very important. We want to see the clearance between. All right. I see a lot of times watching this assemble watches and the minute hand is right on top of the other hand, right? Or the second hand is floating on top of the minute hand and then they start catching it. Yeah, perfect. Beautiful. And the moment I clicked the stand back in, we got our sweep started. So that’s the time. Now we’re telling time. Misty.

Wow, looks already crazy. How much of this? I want back some papers. Yeah, color. Back in papers. 62,55. You do? It’s a new model in the 6. It’s a new model. You guys spot another crazy. Okay, once and all, but it’s not that much of reasons they’re trying to make you don’t get them discounts here. Also got this offer River Diamonds 56. Okay, 57 is final. Then I knew some. Let me get that hand there. Yeah, it’s expensive to our stuff. Like how much my, how much is that painted this and the one that’s not ours. Oh yeah, yeah, it’s trying to go about this one too. What is this? SSC G33G for lunch time, man, I felt it’s a Lucy. How much? But this one is not bad though. 48 for this condition, 80,45 orders, no problem. That’s only thing. That’s also a part, to be honest.