Mastering Money Management: How Small Actions Lead to Big Changes

How you do one thing in life is often how you do everything in life. So if you are constantly avoiding like having hard conversations in relationships or you are avoiding going to the gym. Weaver is then you’re probably also avoiding managing your money and dealing with your money. How we deal with one thing is how we deal with everything. And so when we want to actually improve and we want to develop, we need to start small. We need to do 1% better every day. So when it comes to your money, what is one thing that you can do today that is going to help you to improve your journey with money? So is it that you’re gonna print off your last three months of your bank statements, you’re actually gonna go through and see where your money was spent. Is it that you’re going to put like actually do the thing that you’ve been putting off, which is make a budget? What is it that you have been avoiding to do that you really need to do? Close this video and just do it now, like right this moment. Okay, because when you are having this idea that you really need to do something, it’s because you do, you actually need to do it. So when it pops into your mind, do it.