Mastering the Bar Spin Air: The Ultimate Guide from a Skatepark Pro

Then we teach how to do a bar spin air. First thing that you gotta do is find a quarter pipe to do it on. Today we got this really nice 6 foot quarter at Legoland.

First, you want to figure out which way you bar spend. Technically, I bar spin the wrong way. I bars in the same way that I tail up. You wanna do bar spins opposite to what you tail up, I think. I don’t really know. I just Learned to do a bar fin the way feels the best.

Next, you wanna learn how your hand need to be? I like to put my hand on the edge of my grip cuz I’m gonna be spinning the bars this way. You wanna spin the bars as far as you can and then with your other hand, you want to grab underneath and grab the bars. So that is the motion of the bar spin. Same if you’re doing it the other way. You want to take this hand, push it as far as you can that way, and take your other hand and grab it underneath it and spin it around.

A really big tip that I’m gonna give you is when you’re first learning you to do it, it’s the carve. You wanna carve a lot on the ramp so you’re not going straight up and coming straight back down.

If you’re trying to do this trick air, you should be, you should already be able to do a bar spin flat and just start low on the ramp and then progressively work your way up.

BI hope my tutorial helped you out with Barfman’s air. Start off little and go up. If you guys wanna learn any other trick, comment down below what you wanna see. I might pick a comment and teach you how to do your trick. So yeah, Jesus.