Embrace Learning and Adventure in Your 20s to Achieve Success and Financial Freedom in Your 30s

The goal of your life when you’re in your 20s should be learning as much as possible, developing skills in different areas and not worrying about how much money you’re making. Giving yourself the freedom to make mistakes, to explore, to have some adventures, to try things out that don’t quite work for you. And then when you reach your 30s, you’ve got all these skills and experiences and you’re gonna make that money.

Eventually, you look at somebody like Steve Jobs, you can hate him or you can like him, you can think he’s great or not. He never thought about money. He never cared about, it was never on his hierarchy of values. If you’re obsessed with money, you’re actually gonna find all sorts of problems in life. You’re gonna become hooked to that paycheck. Let’s say you’re 32 years old and suddenly you’re downsized or you’re fired from your job, and you’ve been addicted to that 80,000 dollar or 100,000 dollar years. Now you don’t have the mental freedom to take a job for half that price where you can now maybe start learning some skills and moving on and really finding your way because you’re addict to all that luxury into the ego that you have connected to that paycheck.