Ultimate Car Phone Stand Review: The Perfect Solution for Vlogging on the Go

If you need the perfect film stand for your car, so you can take these cute little videos, your pictures, whatever you want to do. If you’re vlogging and you like to vlog in the car, got the perfect little phone stand and it’s super easy to set up. Let me show you real quick. I found this here on the TikTok shop and it’s super cool because you just put your phone right here, you can press these in to fit your phone. And it has a little stand, right hand bottom where your phone sits. And once you’re ready to take it off, you can just push this button on this side. They come out. You pull your phone out, easy peasy. And all you do is just stick it on here. It has a little lock mechanism right here. Stick it down, press this down, lock in place. Yeah, I definitely recommend it. I have been using it so much. I so have one of those little clip ones that clips onto your air vent. But the bad thing about those is that they keep falling off and in the winter, when you use your heater, it’s gonna overheat your phone because it’s right there on the vent. But this one is perfect and this angle is perfect.